Dohi Art
©Dohi Art - All rights reserved 2015
Mes coups de coeur / My favorites
Un professeur de mathématique passionné de dessin qui a débuté en décembre 2011. Un autodidacte avec un talent incontestable !
A math teacher passionate about drawing that began in December 2011. An autodidact with an undeniable talent!
Facebook : Yves's portrait
Une jeune passionnée de 25 ans qui après quelques années sans crayons, a décidé de reprendre du service pour notre plus grand bonheur !! Des dessins tout en finesse et réalisme !!
A young passionated lady of 25 years old who after several years without pencils has decided to use them again for our biggest pleasure !! Drawings all done with finesse and realism !!
Facebook : Pelegrine's drawing / http://www.facebook.com/PelegrineArt
On deviantart. com : http://pelegrineart.deviantart.com/
Must see !! Must read !!
PAPA SPYK : A naughty thing called life
Author, actor, and stunt performer from London, England
Papa Spyk Recalls Colourful Life Journey in A Naughty Thing called Life
New book chronicles the author’s life and how it was turned around after suffering a near death experience.
A Naughty Thing called Life shares the honest story of Papa Spyk’s experience, hoping to make a difference to other people’s lives. Its about courage to love and be love. the way to heal himself by going through hell and back.It remind’s the reader that there is a silver lining in every cloud. This book is a testament to Papa Spyk’s focus of his energy from destruction to creation.
Un véritable artiste aux mains en or. Toutes ses créations d'arts amérindien transmettent l'âme de ce peuple et tout l'amour que Paul met dans son travail.
A real artist with golden fingers. All his native indian's works deliver the soul of this nation and the love that Paul puts in his work.
PADDI BROAD - Family Portrait Artist
Au-delà d'être une maman à la tête d'une petite tribu, Paddi est une artiste qui s'exprime au travers des crayons de couleur. Des portraits tout en douceur qui apaisent nos coeurs. Sa préférence va aux portraits d'enfants et d'animaux pour notre plus grand plaisir.
Beyond being a mom at the head of a small tribe, Paddi is an artist who expresses herself through coulour pencils. Portraits full of tenderness which soothe our hearts. Her preference goes to the children and animals' portraits for our biggest pleasure.
Créatrice de bijoux qui met tout son savoir au service de vos envies les plus folles !!!
Originalité, créativité et passion sont les maîtres mots.
Allez-y faites-vous plaisir sans modération !
Jewlery designer who puts all her knowledge to satisfy your craziest wishes !!!
Originality, creativity and passion are the main words.
Just go for it and enjoy with no limit.